
Publication Draft

Representation ID: 6963

Received: 25/09/2009

Respondent: Bishops Tachbrook Parish Council

Representation Summary:

Natural Environment
The Parish Council does not agree that all reasonable options have been identified. Areas of restraint are not a sufficient instrument to adequately protect the environment. This is demonstrated by the ease with which the existing areas of restraint are being rubbed out by the Preferred Options Paper. They amount to window dressing and do not, in reality, offer any additional protection over Rural Area Polices. AORs need to have the same status as green belt. Further thought needs to be given to how protection to the natural landscape can be increased. Rural Area policies apply to all the real countryside. Greenbelt is an artificial measure to prevent conurbations joining where severe pressure for development would otherwise occur. But this makes real countryside ie from the south of Leamington to the Oxfordshire boundary less protected than greenbelt. Hence the current attack on greenfield by WDC in an attempt to satisfy unreasonable demands of the government.
As conservation is onerously rigorously enforced to old buildings, it also ought to be applied to landscapes and countryside in so far as development is concerned.
The proposed AOR north of Bishops Tachbrook must be extended to Harbury Lane to the north, to Europa Way to the west and to the Fosse Way to the East. It will be meaningless if it cannot be given the status of Green Belt. Existing AOR‟s should be respected and maintained. We do not support the Council‟s Preferred Option.