
Publication Draft

Representation ID: 6826

Received: 14/09/2009

Respondent: Mr Stuart Boyle

Representation Summary:


Companies such as National Grid and Wolesely have moved large offices and warehouses into Warwick District during the last decade. However, often this hasn't created new jobs in the district but instead relocated jobs from outside. Consequently we now have several thousand employees living outside the district who commute into it to work. This dislocation of employment from housing exacerbates traffic congestion, increases emissions and wastes a lot of resident's time.

I object to the creation of an additional 10,800 new properties within the district where there is no plan for increasing employment by a similarly large scale. Indeed, the recent economic crisis has significantly reduced employment in the district due to the contraction of the automotive industry. The proposed developments will create dormitory areas for people working outside of the district, chiefly in Coventry and Birmingham. It would be more appropriate for new housing to be created closer to these conurbations and where people work.