
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67616

Received: 09/12/2014

Respondent: Janet Warren

Representation Summary:

Unclear whether land available with Severn Trent opposed. If CPO used it would be lengthy process
No clear reasons for selecting this site and deselecting others
Noise and pollution from M40.
Proximity to sewage works which would need to be cordoned off for health and safety reasons
Environmental noise assessment flawed as PPG24 is out of date
Effect on economy, Tournament Fields and tourism
In flood zone 3. Caravans highly vulnerable and should not be located there.
60% of need would be located at Longbridge and be out of proportion with village and no integration
Access lane doesn't meet standards
Access from Stratford Road on dangerous bend with poor visibility. Traffic often at a standstill to roundabout.
Larger than WDC said was wanted. Smaller sites easier to manage
Consultation criteria reduced. Site not previously mentioned. Difficult to access information on website. Lack on clear verbal information. Insufficient time for public to engage and raise concerns

Full text:

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