
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67614

Received: 11/12/2014

Respondent: Mrs Joyce Knight

Representation Summary:

Would ruin pleasant area of countryside on edge of Warwick
Is site viable in relation to costs of infrastructure and service provision
Negative impact on biodiversity of riverbank
Size of site would take 60% of need and is not as recommended
Potential business users may be put off
Concerns about regulating, monitoring and payment of local taxes
Access on A429 is on dangerous bend with poor visibility
High levels of traffic movement and long vehicles cause additional hazard
Narrow lane access does not meet standards
Permanent caravans are vulnerable and should not be located in Flood Zone 3. Mitigation could be expensive and a lengthy process
Site is in close proximity to sewage works and Severn Trent has not committed to reducing Cordon Sanitaire
Safety and noise barriers would need to be erected along motorway which is another cost
Noise assessment undertaken inadequate due to time constraints
Site introduced late in the process. Consultation inadequate. WDC did not attend public meeting/

Full text:

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