
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67613

Received: 10/12/2014

Respondent: Mr J.K. Oldfield

Representation Summary:

No immediate community facilities, shops within walking distance which is along a farm track a considerable way from the highway.
Access to road network poor along badly maintained farm track which would be costly to bring up to necessary standard and cause disruption to residents. Resulting damage to habitats and trees/hedges which would have to be removed.
Where the track meets A429 there is a dangerous bend; the scene of accidents and warning chevrons.
Recommendation for move away from larger sites to smaller with better facilities and integration. Site would dominate local properties and create Gypsy ghetto.
Screening is not in keeping with surrounding area/open farmland. Will be visible from three existing properties alongside it.
Brown field sites should be considered before green field.

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