
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67592

Received: 11/12/2014

Respondent: Mr James Hogg

Representation Summary:

Severn Trent has objected to the site and taking away the access over their land. This means access would have to be via the farm track from a dangerous bend in Stratford Road. The access is unsuitable and unfair on Longbridge Village.
Concern about the disposal of waste into the River after experience of illegal encampment. Danger to motorway drivers if waste finds its way onto the road.
Proposed landscaping and screening would damage the ecology. No amount of screening would protect residents from road noise in poorly insulated dwellings.
Hazard to children being close to motorway and river.
Poor air quality.
Unlikely to feel integrated if dumped in an unsuitable environment.
Flood risk.
Impact on Tournament Fields which still has vacant plots, and new land Severn Trent wishes to develop.
Not economically viable and therefore not deliverable.
Fifteen pitches is too many and will quickly expand. Should be smaller sites where risk is reduced.
Inadequate consultation. Site was not on original list and is now being hurried through. Drop in times were inconvenient for many.

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