
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67584

Received: 08/12/2014

Respondent: Mr Daniel Picariello

Representation Summary:

Severn Trent has indicated that they would not be willing to allow access over their land which restricts access to a farm track from A429. Not suitable for large or emergency vehicles and bringing it up to standard would incur vast expense making it unviable.
Site is designated flood zone 2 and 3. Caravans are highly vulnerable and should not be built here. Large expanses of hard standing would increase susceptibility.
With the sewage works on one side and motorway on the other, noise and air pollution would make the site unsuitable. Mitigation is mentioned but no details given
Local schools and doctors surgeries are operating above capacity. 15 pitches would result in considerable influx of people pushing amenities beyond point of effectiveness in meeting the needs of local people.
Site was not considered with others. At 6 weeks, the consultation period was too short and level of consultation inadequate. The 'drop in' session were inconvenient for those working. Disappointed that no-one from WDC attended public meeting.

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