
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67574

Received: 06/12/2014

Respondent: Mr J B Connor

Representation Summary:

Brought in at a late stage, local people have not had time to consider the details.
Public meetings held at times which made them inaccessible to working families. No paperwork outlining rationale.
No thorough Environmental Report of flora and fauna or impact of complex providing for human habitation.
Proposed access is on dangerous corner increasing potential for accidents. Poor access for emergency vehicles would appear to contravene government guidelines.

Full text:

I wish to register my strong objection to the proposed Gypsy and Traveller Site located adjacent to the Stratford Road in Warwick. There are several grounds for my objection
Firstly, the late nomination of this site (after the initial consultation on a set of alternatives in which it was never even mentioned) means that the current consultation is not genuine, fair or reasonable. I believe that, on examination, the scheme would be ruled unlawful. Local people have not had adequate time to consider the details, suggest alternatives or digest the implications. The so-called public meetings have so far been held at such times as to render them inaccessible for working families with multiple responsibilities. At no time have we, as residents, been given paperwork outlining the rationale behind the sudden change in the Local Plan and the inclusion of the Stratford Road alternative.
Secondly, I have looked unsuccessfully for a thorough Environmental Report detailing the current distribution of flora and fauna at this site, together with an expert assessment of the likely impact on that environment of a large complex providing all the needs of human habitation. It is inconceivable that a plan could be considered lawful without such provision.
Thirdly, as a local resident I regularly drive down Stratford Road towards the M40 junction. The proposed access to the site is at a bend in the road, which would significantly increase the danger of serious road traffic accidents for residents, visitors and newcomers. Poor access for emergency vehicles would also appear to contravene current government guidelines.

This debacle is doing nothing for the reputation of Warwick District Council. The proposal is grossly out of proportion, given that it represents the majority of proposed pitches for the whole of the county being sited in an historic town with a small population.

I look forward to your reply, and am sending a copy of my letter to local councillors and our local M.P.