
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67573

Received: 07/12/2014

Respondent: ms Linda Butler

Representation Summary:

Proposed site is within reasonable ? but already overstretched, overcrowded GP surgeries, schools and hospital. The surgery on Chase Meadow is already ?. Schools are full and the possibility of additional permanent or transitional traveller children would be detrimental.
There may be good links to the major road network but there will also be a potentially dangerous right hand turn into the road when approaching from the direction of the M40 roundabout. Traffic is already at a premium on the Stratford Road and this would make it worse.
The proposed site is at Level 3 risk.
Site would have a significant impact on property prices and quality of life. Experience of previous illegal encampments.
Traveller sites should be on the outskirts of a town, where any mess that is made will not impact.
Doubt that there will be a proper infrastructure for this.

Full text:

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