
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67558

Received: 07/12/2014

Respondent: Miss Naomi West

Representation Summary:

Site unsuitable for young families next to noisy M40, smells from sewage plant and potential danger of River Avon.
Air quality likely to be poor.
Not a safe environment, particularly for children.
In flood plain. Not clear how mitigation can be achieved. A large area of hardstanding would increase risk.
Two proposed accesses: Severn Trent are unwilling to grant easement over their land or sell land for access. Unclear whether it would be possible to compulsorily purchase which would be costly and time consuming. the existing lane is on bend on fast road with safety issues including for emergency vehicles.
Site was not in original list of proposed sites and not clear on what basis it was selected.
Site should be smaller as government states 15 is maximum number to be allowed.

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