
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67549

Received: 08/12/2014

Respondent: Dr Rachel Lander

Representation Summary:

Not clear whether existing services are able to sustain the increase in population. Will there be enough places at local schools to support the increase in children which will have a detrimental effect on the children that already live in the local area and increase travelling further afield. Difficult to access local dentist.
The councils SA states the effect on the economy is uncertain at this stage. Negative impact will result from decreasing the demand for the Tournament Fields Business Park.
The site is near the A46/M40 junction, however details of the access to the plot inadequately addressed. Unacceptable to plan a site and hold a consultation without the necessary information. The current narrow farm track to the land is currently inadequate and would not provide access for emergency vehicles. Access to the site from Longbridge would also place the main entrance of the site next to a Grade II listed building which is located on a dangerous bend with poor visibility.
The site is of suitable size, however with size of plot comes increased residents.
The Councils SA states that air, soil and water quality are of significant concern and the development could have a potential negative effect. Although it claims this can be 'mitigated' there is little further detail with regards to this.
A site close to a sewage works and a busy motorway network will require a significant cost to rectify these aspects to ensure safety.
There is flood risk and sites should not be built where there is probability that flooding will occur. Whilst 'mitigation work' has been alluded to, there is no information with regards to what this will be, how much this will cost or whether the risk can be eliminated.
How will the site be adequately screened. The Stratford Road site is the main entrance road into Warwick from the motorway and tourists travel up the road. Even with a screen, the Gypsy and Traveller site will be visible and have a negative impact on the town.

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