
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67537

Received: 08/12/2014

Respondent: Mrs Tabitha Duckhouse

Representation Summary:

Access to the site is not at all suitable for the sort of vehicles that will be using the narrow farm track on a regular basis.
The road from the A429 that leads to the Longbridge Village is unsuitable for the size of vehicles and an accident black spot. Long, slow vehicles will be leaving that road junction to join traffic that is already travelling at 40mph. I deem this to be totally inappropriate & makes it dangerous for all road users. This is an unnecessary & unacceptable risk for the current local residents.
the amount of hard standing that is proposed this will have a significant negative impact on local wildlife, as well as the management of the water in the area. The proposed site I believe is also on a flood plain and caravans are vulnerable. Flood alleviation schemes are expensive and often fail to deliver.
The proposed development will dominate and overshadow the existing Longbridge village.
Impact on tourism and local economy.
Facilities are stretched - GP surgery, Warwick Hospital and schools will place greater burden on Council funds
Consultation leaves a lot to be desired. This site was not on the original list. Council railroading decision making

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