
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67533

Received: 01/12/2014

Respondent: Mr Graham Hatch

Representation Summary:

The GP surgery will require additional funding to cope with extra demand.
Budbrooke School is already in special measures and the inclusion of traveller children will cause further disruption. Other local schools have very few places available. There is inadequate local infrastructure in place.
The current narrow farm track leading to the proposed site from Longbridge is totally inadequate as a means of access.
The suggested site allows for the siting of 15 pitches with associated access road and open space. The additional open space mentioned means the use of such a vast area provides potential for further illegal encampments. Occupancy on the pitches cannot be regulated or controlled. There is a concern if the site is approved for a given number of pitches, the gypsy & travelling community will breach planning policy
In addition, there is a potential risk an overflow of gypsies and travellers from the allocated 15 pitches may migrate to Chase Meadow and surrounding areas resulting in antisocial behaviour
Planning application for housing on this site
Air, Water and Soil Quality are not suitable where children will live.
The environmental noise assessment states the noise in decibels exceeds 80 for prolonged periods. There is a potential for damage to the resident's hearing, making the site unsuitable.
The site is on a designated flood plain within flood zones 2 and 3. Caravans are considered "highly vulnerable" and should not be permitted in such areas
The SA states that 'the effect on the economy is uncertain at this stage'. The Consultation Documentation makes no mention of the potential effect of the site on the local economy

Full text:

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