
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67527

Received: 29/11/2014

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Ben & Helen Quaintance

Representation Summary:

Infrastructure cannot cope with more traffic and more people needing healthcare and schools.
Gypsy and Traveller site would not be in keeping and would be too close to existing businesses and residential areas
First impression of town would be damaged

Full text:

We are writing to oppose the proposed traveller site on Stratford Road.

Warwick is already becoming overcrowded, and the latest approval of 700+ new homes between Warwick and Leamington will make matters worse still. Our infrastructure cannot cope with any more unnecessary cars on the road, and extra people will put pressure on our doctors, healthcare, and on local schools.

Moreover, Warwick is a beautiful and historic town and we should be preserving that charm. Putting a permanent Gypsy and Traveller site on the Stratford Road is too close to existing businesses and residential areas, and is not in-keeping with the area.

In addition, it is a sad fact that gypsy and traveller sites are often associated with noise, mess and increased crime. The M40 is one of the main entrances to the town, and it would be a great shame for the first impression to be damaged.

Please leave Warwick as it is, and refuse this proposal.