
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67518

Received: 27/11/2014

Respondent: Mr & Miss Paul & Kim Jones & Hensey

Representation Summary:

The site will be an eyesore on a very important route into Warwick which heavily depends on leisure and tourism.
Why would Travellers want to live next to a sewerage treatment works and river
Existing and potential businesses would surely be opposed

Full text:

I am writing to object against the proposed gypsy and traveller site off the Stratford Road, Warwick. My reasons are:

- I pay £2,500 a year in council tax, sometimes I wonder what for but certainly not too have a gypsy site opposite where I live on Chase Meadow, I struggle to understand how Warwick DC can justify the site here when it affects so many who live in close proximity and the revenue they raise in council tax from this development.

- The site will be an eyesore and magnet for trouble on a very important route into Warwick which heavily depends on leisure and tourism.

- I question if I was in a travellers shoes why I'd want to live next to a sewerage treatment works and river especially as many traveller families have many children.

- Surely local existing businesses nearby like on chase meadow and possible businesses looking to base themselves here on current vacant land will be severely opposed to this option.

I hope you can appreciate my concerns, which I am sure will be shared by many other locals within the area and that you make the appropriate decision upon the location of this proposed site.