
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67516

Received: 08/12/2014

Respondent: Mr John Houston

Representation Summary:

Site is going to be situated near the river, and M40 motorway with access being via a small farm road, which is unsuitable for vehicles up to 25 meters long. Severn Trent Water have not been contacted, fully oppose the site, and have denied access to the site via the original suggested route. This restricts the access to the proposed site via a small farm track road leading from Longbridge and from the M40 roundabout exit. This route has already been the scene of many accidents. Stratford Road is already a congested route. Additional slow moving and heavy vehicles using this route and trying to turn into the farm road, will cause further complication and congestion.
Site is in a designated flood plain.
The proposed size of the site is itself a serious concern as it would be an expensive option to build a site of this size. I want to understand who is funding the site. If it flooded, who would pay for any damage repairs to the site Being so close to the M40 and the river also makes this site a dangerous and hazardous area for children. Being so close to the treatment works, the smell would be intolerable. How it would be possible to put a site and people this close to a treatment plant which must be against health and safety hygiene levels.
There is a current lack of interest in the area for businesses. The proposal, would do nothing more than further reduce the chances of businesses location the current business park.
There has not been consultation with the builders of new residential properties adjacent. Should the proposed site have been made public knowledge earlier, many residents would not have purchased. WDC has now decided to try to rail road this new proposed site through.
There has been significant lack of consultation with local residents and businesses. This is extremely unfair and unacceptable.
The impact on the saleable value of recently purchased residential homes will be seriously adversely affected
The impact on the local doctors surgery, the local schools and other facilities as well as small local business will also be adversely impact should this go ahead
Disappointed and disgusted that WDC declined to attend public meeting.

Full text:

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