
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67504

Received: 10/12/2014

Respondent: David Dorsett

Representation Summary:

The site is next to a major sewerage works which can be smelt from almost a mile away on some days. This would be so unpleasant for the gypsy community and is surely unhygienic especially for their children.
The site is surrounded by the M40, the River Avon and the sewerage works, how does this constitute a safe environment?
It requires a a significant amount of screening/protection from the main tourist route into Historic Warwick, the M40, the River Avon and the Severn Trent sewage works. As it is currently agricultural land it will also require hard surfacing works and connection to utilities.
It is in a flood zone and so requires flood risk mitigation with all associated costs.
The existing access roads will require improvement to ensure suitability.

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