
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67503

Received: 26/12/2014

Respondent: Linda Green

Representation Summary:

The infrastructure will not accommodate this level of community who will put additional burden on local service i.e. doctors, hospital, education etc. especially with the plans for additional housing proposed. Also the road network, risk to historic buildings and air pollution.
They do not want to be part of the community. The pitches require too much land.
Impact on tourism/businesses

Full text:

I would like to register my concern over the proposed sites around south Warwickshire in particular to the site for the Stratford Road. I do not feel we have the infrastructure to accommodate this level of community who will put additional burden on local service ie doctors, hospital, education etc especially with the plans for additional housing proposed in the local area which again will put more strain on the above areas, road network especially through town as no measure can elevate the narrowness of the roads without serious risk to historic buildings yet to mention the already polluted air.

It is a know fact the gypsy travellers although council state they want to be part of the community is not the case. They do not conform to working practices that enable a sustainable support to local communities and this is not my prejudice this is fact. The proposals by council/government for 500sqm per pitch is ridiculous and out of proportion to the neighbouring developments which appears to give them beneficial rights over current occupiers of this beautiful town.

Tourism is a major attraction and support to local business and to sustaining the town we love and in my opinion this should be a priority measure over the other proposals and maintain the character of a historic town without the eyesore of gypsy sites where prejudice will always be against them regardless of their intentions.

Therefore in summary I do not feel this is the right decision to our community and resource and strongly oppose the plans