
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67501

Received: 10/12/2014

Respondent: Miss Stacey Roberts

Representation Summary:

The preferred access route is located on a dangerous bend on the A429 Stratford Road close to the M40 Junction 15. Visibility is poor when waiting to right turn and creates a traffic bottleneck.
No provision for turning articulated lorries which have to be reversed out onto the busy A429 road under supervision.
An increase in the traffic will seriously damage an already potholed farm track which would need widening to allow vehicles to pass. Commuters regularly suffer from significant congestion in the lead up to the M40 roundabout
Young children could fall into the open water being next to the river
Access lane forms part of the network of National Cycle routes
Development would require significant investment to allow access to the site
Will local tax payers be expected to incur the cost of this site by increasing council tax bills?
The noise from the M40 is heard loud and clear at all times of the day. Caravans are more vulnerable to this.
Odour is very unpleasant from sewage works.
The site is unsuitable as it is on a flood plain within Flood Zones 2 and 3
Once the site is occupied it will quickly expand outside of the Council's control
It will have a negative impact to the value of the housing within the area
The site would require a significant amount of screening/protection
Attracting new businesses has already proven difficult and the new site could suppress potential demand further
The consultation process has been flawed due to the speed that WDC are trying to push through this proposal, a lack of engagement with the local community and conflicting or limited information

Full text:

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