
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67495

Received: 10/12/2014

Respondent: Ms Nicola Salter

Representation Summary:

I believe that this site has been selected without due process and fair consultation
Cannot be lawful to allow anyone to live so close to a sewage works and to an extremely busy motorway
Not only would the noise and air pollution be unpleasant for them but also must be a health risk
Site proposed includes areas which are classified flood zones
Another junction will have to be added to what is already an extremely busy, bendy road adding to traffic problems

Full text:

I write to inform you of my objection to the proposed gypsy and traveller site on Stratford Road, Warwick.

I believe that this site has been selected without due process and fair consultation with local residents.

I cannot accept that it can be lawful to allow anyone to live so close to a sewage works and to an extremely busy motorway - it would seem in complete contradiction to planning laws let alone simple consideration for the people you are expecting to live on this site - not only would the noise and air pollution be unpleasant for them but also must be a health risk - this is to say nothing of how anyone would feel about having to live in such a location - that such a location should even be considered speaks volumes to me about how this community is perceived by the council.

I note also that the site proposed includes areas which are classified flood zones - again a contravention of what seems to me to be very clear planning guidance, and yet another added risk factor to the community expected to reside there.

I am also concerned that in order to gain access to this site another junction will have to be added to what is already an extremely busy, bendy road - warwick already struggles with the volume of traffics it endures - it seems unacceptable to me that the council should even consider adding to the traffic problems here.

I ask that you take into consideration my objections and I hope that the council moves to find a more suitable site.