
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67493

Received: 21/11/2014

Respondent: Mr Terry Benwell

Representation Summary:

Site did not appear in previous list of potential sites.
The GP surgery is over stretched.
Local school is running near to capacity and continued development will worsen the situation
Public transport not an issue but isn't cheap
Site is in flood zones 2 and 3. Creating hardstanding will increase risk
Access is on dangerous bend in the road. The national cycle route runs along the Stratford Road here
Site is close to M40, Stratford Road and WDC site all of which are noisy and dangerous
Impact on tourism
There will not be peaceful and integrated co-existence since the illegal encampment
Sites should not be located where residential development would not be allowed

Full text:

see attached
