
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67489

Received: 09/12/2014

Respondent: Ms Laura Parker

Representation Summary:

SA identified area as 'of significant concern' with regard to air, water and soil quality as it is close to sewage works and motorway The resultant noise, air and soil pollution would suggest it is not a suitable location
Close to the river, so flood risk very significant. Designate Flood Zones 2 and 3. Costly mitigation would be required
Access would be down narrow farm track and unsuitable due to lack of ease for emergency vehicles, two vehicles cannot pass, the location at the junction with Stratford Road would increase volume of long vehicles turning on dangerous road
Effect on business and Tournament Fields in particular where land is still available
Disgusted that no-one from WDC attended the public meeting

Full text:

I write to submit my written objection to the proposed gypsy and traveller site on the Stratford Road site, Warwick.

There are a number of reasons for this objection, and which are detailed below:

1. Air, water and soil quality: It is my understanding that the Council's own Sustainability Assessment identified this as an area of significant concern as it is situated so close to a sewage works and a busy motorway. The resultant noise, air and soil pollution would suggest that this does not appear a suitable location.
2. Flooding: The proposed location is so close to the River Avon that flood risk appears very significant - indeed this area is a designated floodplain within zones 2 and 3 indicating that the area is highly susceptible to flooding. In recent years this land has flooded on multiple occasions and so there would be significant risk of this recurring unless extensive and very costly mitigation programmes are implemented.
3. Access: I understand that access to the site will be via a narrow farm track, which would appear to be totally unsuitable for a number of reasons - (i) it does not provide easy access for emergency vehicles; (ii) it does not allow two vehicles to pass one another and (iii) the location of the junction with the Stratford Road, means that the increased volume of long vehicles turning will introduce significant health and safety risks. This junction is already a known blackspot and so to increase the likelihood and potential severity of incidents in this area would appear foolhardy.
4. Effect on the local economy: Tournament Fields is proposed to be the premier office location in Warwick with the potential to attract a significant number of jobs to the area. However, a large area is still unoccupied and efforts continue to be made to fill these voids. It would appear that any local plan that is highly likely to have a significant detrimental effect on the saleability of this land is therefore also likely to significantly reduce the number of jobs being introduced to the local community - at a time when the region can ill-afford it.

Finally, may I say how disgusted I was that nobody from Warwick District Council accepted the offer to attend the public meeting at Aylesford School on 4th December to consult with the public and take the opportunity to listen and respond to concerns and questions. I felt this was an error as it appeared to make a mockery of the "consultation" process.