
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67484

Received: 18/11/2014

Respondent: Mr Stephen Stewart

Representation Summary:

Believe the community's view and opinions should have priority over the local Council hitting a target set to accommodate travelling families that is unrealistic and excessive in that available sites are not already full
Groundwork has been done in sneaky manner
Harmony in the community only once disrupted when there was an illegal encampment
Impact on schools and education and on local businesses
Impact on the people of the existing community, on their health and well being
Impact on house prices

Full text:

As far as I can understand, what the local Council appears to be saying on their website in relation to the above proposal, there are reasons that have been considered for providing a location for this traveller or gypsy community and also reasons for this possible site being suitable.

As this decision on Stratford Road appears to be based on the reasons for the proposal then I am happy to provide reasons for it not to happen and hope that the existing general community's reasons for it not to happen should most definitely be given greater consideration. I believe the community's view and opinions should have priority over the local Council hitting a target set to accommodate travelling families that according to what I have read is unrealistic and excessive in that available sites are not already full.

What is clear so far is that the groundwork to this proposal has been done in an extremely sneaky manner, a terrible way to treat us, the local community. I believe that there are people involved in this process that I hope quickly realise the extremely unpopular decision to propose this site was, and reverse that decision and find an alternative site as soon as possible.

I chose to move to Warwick with my family from Scotland just under 3 years ago. I am a Director for a FTSE 100 Company and my area covers a large part of the West Midlands. I could have chosen many locations to live in but on seeing and experiencing Warwick my wife and I were both set on it as our new home. Warwick is an expensive place to buy a property and many colleagues commented that it was certainly a desirable place to live but despite the expense we made sure that we found our dream home, 25 Little Field Close in Chase Meadow is that home. It's great, it's peaceful, it's safe. It's in a community that although everyone moving to the estate are new to the estate they become part of that community.

On only one occasion has the harmony been disrupted. That is when a group of traveller / gypsy people decided to move into Tapping Way next to Aylesford School. Overnight there was extreme unease at their presence from every family, from the whole community. residents lived in fear.

The group that had moved in cared nothing of the community they had disrupted. They lit fires, they left unacceptable mess including dog and human waste on the street. I know it was human because I saw them doing it. They started stealing the moment they arrived, timber from the building site that was witnessed and reported to the police. They continued stealing from the sites and shops, extra security had to be put in to the building sites and in Aylesford School. Their caravans and cars straddled and blocked public paths which made it dangerous for pupils heading for the school and for residents brave enough to walk past them.

When I walked past them with my dog we were regularly glared at in an intimidating way. The dogs continually ran at us and barked at us, always aggressively and where I regularly had to put myself between my dog and theirs as a barrier. The noise created went well on into the night. The children, the poor little souls, were left to their own devices running around Tapping Way dodging vehicles using the road. The men were out late at night, we watched them into the small hours walking into the sites and in close proximity to peoples homes, in cul-de-sac's with no reason for being there apart from what I would believe to be looking for opportunities or at the least, to intimidate us, the residents of the community.

We asked for help from the police and the council and although the police attended on a number of occasions it appeared that red tape allowed it. It continued for weeks, fear, paranoia, concern for elderly neighbours, concern for families, for property of ours. Red tape just let it happen to a whole community and the same red tape seems to be driving this. This is not isolated, in every experience I have had with this group of people it is the same, threatening, opportunistic, anti social and appear to be not willing in any way to adapt to be part of the greater community or show any consideration for the community through the chaos that follows them.

These were travelling families that parked up on Tapping Way and I am very aware that this is a proposed permanent site. Based on past experiences in Scotland this proposed permanent site will however be full of people with the same intent. It makes no difference that they are permanent site residents, their attitude to the community remains, it is only themselves that they care for. House prices fell and insurance prices increased. It became a magnet for their travelling family and friends, as did the surrounding area. I have spoke with colleagues and contacts in other areas of the UK and in each case the impact was very similar.

The biggest impact however is on the community. As the litter spreads and is blown from the site or from their actions while walking around the local area, then over time others in the community will think why bother, they will stop caring and will start joining in, standards drop, crime and anti social behaviour increases. In schools where the children can be disruptive, aggression and misbehaviour spreads. Locations surrounding these sites become no go areas.

Do the council in Warwickshire actually want this to be the case ? This community ruined because of a target. Does this council want the harmony, the peace, to go ? Do the council want to be cleaning up after them, putting up with them ? I certainly don't want to be paying a penny of my council tax toward this. Do the council want the community living in fear of when the permanent travelling residents next walking past their homes, the continual intimidation or when their travelling families and friends will be back.

Please also take into account the impact on schools, on our children's education. Consider the impact on local business's, the 2 local hotels, the shops and pubs in Chase Meadow. It is a real shame that these people appear to add nothing to a community, and only appear to drain what's good from it.

Can I please ask that you consider, why, when I had to pay more to live in Warwick, does anyone think it reasonable that as it may be a preferred location for this group of people, the council thinks it appropriate to accommodate them. This is our town, the County town, there has to be a more sensible solution to accommodate these families in an area where they can behave and live as they like, without negatively impacting a community.

My neighbours are already upset and in fear of what may come. I am already waking up during the night, thinking about the fact that my kids scooters or bikes won't be able to be left out at night, about where it will be safe to walk my dog, about if we can even leave the washing out. This is the impact it is having on a whole community months or maybe even years before it happens. It can't be fair that a whole community lives in this way, in this fear, to accommodate a possible 15 or so families. Please consider this, it is fact as this is how we feel.

The impact on the people of the existing community, on their health and well being, is my main concern and the reason that this decision should be reversed and an alternative location found. My house value, increased costs for the trouble that will follow for residents and for local business's, my neighbourhoods cleanliness, the harmony in the community should be enough to stop this on their own merit rather than a ruling at some point that stated that councils should accommodate a group of people in such a favourable manner. Who else, what other group of people, would be allowed such individual rulings that favour them ? Why do they not buy homes, why don't they apply for Social Housing like every other person wanting to be part of a community ?

This isn't about us not being welcoming, it is not saying no for no reason. There are too many reasons, all relating to the community, for it not to happen and they far outweigh the reasons for it to happen. I am happy to meet with or communicate with anyone who has better reasons for this to happen. Until those reasons are given, and until the existing community including myself agrees with those reasons, then my aim will be to continue my protest and argument for an alternative site.