
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67483

Received: 16/11/2014

Respondent: Mr Alex Willetts

Representation Summary:

Disappointed when I heard about the plan for a permanent gypsy and traveller site so close to the house I have bought in Chase Meadow, this will surely devalue my new house
Children in local schools will have to share classes with the gypsy children, which will slow down the lessons and cause disruption. It would be very difficult for gypsy and traveller children to integrate with the children in Chase Meadow
A site so close to a major motorway, the flood plain of the River Avon and a sewage plant would surely not be suitable for its inhabitants.

Full text:

I was very disappointed when i heard about the plan for a permanent gypsy and traveler site so close to the house i have bought in Chase Meadow, Warwick. One of the main reasons i bought this house was that it is in a desirable area so that in the future when i have children and raise them in this house they will be able to go to good quality local schools and have access to good local health services etc...

If there is a permanent traveler and gypsy site in the local area this will surely devalue my new house as well as the other houses in the area. It will mean that the children in local schools will have to share classes with the gypsy children, which will slow down the lessons and cause disruption etc due to the general poor level of education, transient lifestyle and cultural opposition to education, technology etc. that is held by the travelling community. It would be very difficult for gypsy and traveler children to integrate with the children of hard working professionals in the Chase Meadow area.

In addition to this, a site so close to a major motorway, the flood plane of the river avon and a sewage plant would surely not be suitable for its inhabitants. Being close to a motorway goes directly against the back to nature ideals of the traveling community anyway and it would surely be a horrible place for them to live.

Please can you let me know whether any of my points are being taken into consideration when deciding whether this site will go ahead? I want to voice my opinion that i am strongly against the proposed site as is everyone i have spoken to in the local area.