
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67481

Received: 16/11/2014

Respondent: A Hepburn

Representation Summary:

To force settlements of Gypsy's in our area is detrimental to the local population and local services, in particular on schools, shops, doctors and public housing
Site is next to growing commercial uses which will be affected
Aylesford Secondary, Newburgh Infants and Middle schools are going to provide gypsy families with their education, guaranteed to put more pressure on other schools further afield
Travelling communities are not likely to be welcomed into established communities any time soon

Full text:

I am emailing you to express my objection to the proposed Gypsy and Traveller sites in the Warwick area. I am aware that the government have forced out there proposals and left it for district councils to find available spaces.

Regardless of this i am still of the opinion that to force settlements of Gypsy's in our area is detrimental to the local population. The proposed site near to the Longbridge Works is an improvement on the Henley Road idea, but it will still impact on local services. I am thinking in particular on schools, shops, doctors and public housing.

Firstly, it is common knowledge that Gypsy's live in insular existence and are involved in crime. I believe this can be shown in police recorded crime statistic's which will show clear connections between established sites and criminal activity. The greatest local example being the Cleeve Prior site which in turn links to other established Gypsy sites. These site are known criminal gathering points and allow for organised criminal gangs to expand. Surly having a designated site next to the M40 Junction 15 will allow for easy access to travelling criminals.

Secondly, anti social behaviour. Another great example of the kind of behaviour to be expected. The site is nearest to a growing commercial site on what was Tournament Fields, it is also near to the new shops and 'The Unicorn' public house. It will be very close to two established hotels, which also cater for local tourism within Warwick and Stratford. It was suggested that 'Aston Martin' was considering locating its parts supply on the commercial site. All of these examples will be effected by resident Gypsy's.

Thirdly, local committee issues. Surely the people who have moved the the locality, encouraged by new housing which has provided a clean, tidy and residential area. Currently lots of young families from low cost housing to some high value housing. These families will be sending there children to local schools. The mere mention that Aylesford Secondary, Newburgh Infants and Middle schools are going to provide gypsy families with there education source is guaranteed to put more pressure on other schools further afield as parents seek to move there children. This might sound extreme but its the reality of the situation. I have already heard this discussed by concerned parents prepared to move.

My personal view is that travelling communities are not likely to be welcomed into established communities any time soon, and for the above reasons above i express my objection. As far as i am concerned it is another example of the government forcing confrontation with law abiding voters.