
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67480

Received: 14/11/2014

Respondent: Mr James Ormsby

Representation Summary:

The thought that gypsies can have a free camp is a real wrench
The increase in crime that will come will lower the value of all of properties, and an increased police presence would be required
Danger then to the large amount of traffic that that moves into Warwick being disrupted, for example by unsupervised children walking on roads that are very close to the M40 and causing problems for people travelling to Warwick castle which is a big employer in the area
The sight would cause great problems with the gypsy children going to the local schools and not fitting in

Full text:

I wish to object very strongly to the possibility of a Gypsy / traveller site based in Warwick.
There are several reasons for the objection the first being as a law abiding tax payer the thought that gypsies can have a free camp is a real wrench.
The increase in crime that will come will lower the value of all of properties. For example the last the last time those gypsies appeared near the race course, several things were stolen, the golf course also had all of its bunker rakes were stolen. This points to the fact that an increased police presence would be required, costing the taxpayers a lot of money
There will be a danger then to the large amount of traffic that that moves into Warwick being disrupted, for example by unsupervised children walking on roads that are very close to the M40. This may also then cause problems for people traveling to Warwick castle which is a big employer in the area
The sight would cause great problems with the gypsy children going to the local schools and obviously not fitting in.
Please take these points into consideration