
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67477

Received: 10/12/2014

Respondent: Mrs Christine Bradshaw

Representation Summary:

The Council's Consultation document does not give details of access to the site.
The farm track is only a single track with short areas to pass small vehicles. It is unsuitable for heavy usage as it is not hard surfaced and needs regular maintenance.
It is difficult turning right off the Stratford Road on a blind bend with longer views obscured by trees and shrubs. Slow moving, turning vehicles with long trailers would be a serious extra hazard at this accident black spot.
The site was partially flooded during the 1998 floods. This would be a grave risk for people in single storey dwellings. The flood plain on the other river side to the proposed site was totally submerged.
The 15 pitch site is the maximum size for a gypsy and traveller site. This site will completely overwhelm the three dwellings immediately next to it and the village of Longbridge. It is therefore unsuitable.
It is not clear who will bear the set up costs for the site which will be considerable and could cost the local council a lot of money that it can ill afford in these times of austerity.

Full text:

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