
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67475

Received: 10/11/2014

Respondent: Miss & Mr Laura & Steve Smith & Richardson

Representation Summary:

The site is too close to the Longbridge roundabout which will cause problems for easy access for the travellers and chaos to those using this route
This area is already over populated by allowing continued extension of Chase Meadow
The offer of permanent pitches on land so close to a sewage site very offensive and a form of discrimination
The capacity of the sewage in the area is already a problem. STW are regularly in the area for problems with drainage
The view of a traveller site may be off putting to tourists
Perception that Travellers bring trouble which could affect potential investors and house prices

Full text:

We wish to register an objection to the Stratford Road Traveller site for the following reasons:

- The site is too close to the Longbridge roundabout which will cause problems for easy access for the travellers and chaos to those using this route at times of moving on or off the site (as happened when they recently stayed on the side road opposite the proposed site illegally last year)

- This area is already over populated by allowing continued extension of Chase Meadow. We are regularly on the phone to Newburgh School and the police due to the amount of people trying to access the Forbes estate at school times.... More residents is going to add to this.

- Discrimination. We find the offer of permanent pitches on land so close to a sewage site very offensive and a form of discrimination. You would offer to build council houses on this land, nor would any private builder consider this plot. Anyone who lives in this area is aware of the smells coming from STW during the summer months and therefore we find the offered living conditions completely unacceptable.

- The capacity of the sewage in the area is already a problem. STW are regularly in the area for problems with drainage. This will increase by adding to the population.

- The view of a traveller site may be off putting to tourists. The Stratford Road is the main route used by all visitors to the castle.

- There is a perception that Travellers bring trouble. Whether this is correct or not this element of doubt/ perception will be off putting to businesses from locating at Tournament Fields over other areas and will also affect house prices in the area, resulting in low local employment opportunities and residents in negative equity, resulting in a knock on effect in the community.