
Preferred Options Consultation - Land at Stratford Road, Warwick

Representation ID: 67471

Received: 09/11/2014

Respondent: Mrs Zoe Chen

Representation Summary:

Inappropriate development in an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Greenbelt.
Local infrastructure and amenities are both totally inadequate
Already, we have 2 local Gypsy & Traveller sites proposed within 3 miles of Warwick, how many Gypsy and/or Traveller site we need in the local area
Local Property values would be devastated and it would affect our local resident's quality of life

Full text:

I strongly object the proposal to Permanent Gypsy and traveller site on Straford Road, Warwick. My objections are as follows:

1) It would seem that this would be a most inappropriate development, given that the site is in a Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and in the Greenbelt.
2) Local infrastructure and amenities are both totally inadequate to handle the influx of gypsies.
3) Already, we have 2 local Gypsy & Traveller sites proposed within 3 miles of Warwick, how many Gypsy and/or Traveller site we need in the local area?
4) Local Property values would be devastated and it would affect our local resident's quality of life.

Overall, I believe this would be a proposal which would be detrimental to the area.