
Publication Draft

Representation ID: 66552

Received: 27/06/2014

Respondent: Friends of the Earth

Number of people: 4

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

needs to be refined to ensure that when new sports or community facilities are proposed on green field sites, planning consent is not granted for floodlighting, and that new facilities are not granted consent in 'areas of tranquility'.
Floodlighting can have a major effect on the openness of the countryside, both during the day and at night. Light pollution from floodlighting at existing facilities is a serious problem already in the district and it can for example have serious effects on wildlife and ecology, as well as affecting the quality of life for people who live nearby. We would refer you to the CPRE's 'Dark Skies' campaign, the fact that light pollution can be a statutory nuisance under the Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act (2005), and particularly that the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Planning Practice Guidance (paragraph 125) says: ' By encouraging good design, planning policies and decisions
should limit the impact of light pollution from artificial light on local amenity, intrinsically dark landscapes and nature conservation.'
NPPF Planning Practice Guidance (paragraph 123) also says: 'Planning policies and decisions should aim to: .. identify and protect areas of tranquillity which have remained relatively undisturbed by noise and are prized for their recreational and amenity value for this reason.'

Full text:

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