
Publication Draft

Representation ID: 66493

Received: 27/06/2014

Respondent: Warwickshire County Council [Archaeological Information and Advice]

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

The SHMA has considered the needs of various groups within the community which might have specific housing needs. In particular it identifies the need to plan for an
ageing population over the period to 2031 in the HMA.
The evidence suggests as people get older, some may require support including adaptations to their properties to meet their changing needs, and provision of floating
support. It forecasts a growth of 80% in people with dementia and 65% in people with mobility problems over the period to 2031 (linked in particular to improvements in life expectancy). Therefore, housing need should also accommodate these requirements in the evidence base and the policies that reflect these matters.

Full text:

See attached Representations.