
Publication Draft

Representation ID: 66488

Received: 27/06/2014

Respondent: Warwickshire County Council [Archaeological Information and Advice]

Representation Summary:

Most of the County's Household Waste and Recycling Centres (HWRC) are strategically well placed around the county and within Warwick District there are two sites, Prince Drive and Cherry Orchard.
With the proposed 12,300 extra properties, it will be necessary to redesign both of the sites facilities to accommodate the increase vehicle movements, but also greatly increase the opening hours of the sites to accommodate the expected 1,419 vehicle movements per week which equates to approximately 73,800 vehicle movements per
year. Each household deposits on average 236kgs of waste per year at each HWRC. To cater for this increase we will need to extend Cherry Orchard HWRC onto the old landfill site to accommodate the increased skip provision, costs will be in the region of £241,500. This has been based on 1,500 new households. The baseline used for capital investment is as follows. For the Capital formula we have used the present size of Cherry Orchard HWRC ( 5,184 m2 divided by 10,460 households in Kenilworth = 0.495 m2 per household), so the formula used to work out associated costs:
New extension build = 5,184m2 divided by 10,468 households in Kenilworth = 0.495 m2 per household.
Spon's Building price per m2 (2012 price, plus 1.5% inflation per m2 = £324.8) Which includes split level sites.
1500 households * 0.495m2 = 743 m2 * £324.80 = £241,326
Prince Drive HWRC will require the provision of an extra waste compactor being installed at £235,000 to accommodate the extra demand of waste. We have just installed a new compactor at Princess Drive at this cost; therefore this is a true cost for the equipment in 2013 prices. The design of the bays will mean further redesign of the
skip bays to address the demand of increased recycling estimated to be in the region of £100,000. The same formula would apply, but as we are introducing a compactor, we believe we only need to redesign the skip bays by 310 m2 so would be just above the £100,000 at £324.80 per m2.
Total Waste infrastructure requested, to date £576,326.

Full text:

See attached Representations.