
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 63410

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Dr Penny - Anne Cullen

Representation Summary:

Our farmland provides us with food security and that must never be compromised.

Security and the economic and social well-being of our country is now under threat from over-population. Recognises some demand for local housing, in particular both social and affordable housing, but demand for so many houses in the area has been exaggerated. Crucial to any housing strategy is a population strategy and this has been sadly lacking.

NPPF fails to highlight or mention the need for food security and should include a security role. At this uncertain time we need to protect and maintain all our available farmland.

Much farmland lost to infrastructure and more will be lost with the construction of the new HS2 rail line. Cumulative effect of this land loss has to be recognised, as does the District's good past record in house building.

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