
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 60399

Received: 09/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Anthony King

Representation Summary:

The Local Plan needs to locate the new housing both north and south of the river in a fair, and environmentally sustainable plan; make strenuous efforts to reduce illegal levels of air pollution by addressing the traffic problems through Warwick and Leamington (including new bridge and bypass if necessary); and ensure that the fabric of our historic environs are respected.
What has brought about the deletion of all sites that were earmarked for development on the north side of Leamington? The argument would seem to be that the sites are located in the Green Belt and there were objections to this. As a result a major proportion of sites are concentrated on environmentally and visually sensitive sites to the south of Warwick on greenfield sites. The environmental and traffic congestion problems that this will generate seems to have also had a lesser consideration.
The green belt plan to prevent urban coalescence is over 50 years old and in need of changing to ensure a plan for the orderly fair and sustainable development of Warwick and Leamington.
Over the past 10 years Warwick has grown at a rate of 1% per annum, which is double to national and county average. It is time to look elsewhere.
The nitrous dioxide levels in both Warwick and Leamington still remain well above the levels set following the Air Quality Regulations 2000. Further development and traffic will worse an already illegal level leading to further health problems and damage to historic buildings and quality of life.

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