
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 60265

Received: 26/07/2013

Respondent: Andrew Coombes

Representation Summary:

The existing road network is already struggling and will be unable to cope with the inevitable addition of so many cars, and will create hazards to cyclists and pedestrians thus forcing even more cars onto the congested roads and causing even more pollution.

The long traffic queues and spoilt views caused by the proposed new houses will affect the attractiveness of Warwick from a tourism perspective

Full text:

I am writing to express my concern at the proposal to allow the building of a large number of houses on rural and agricultural land between Warwick, Whitnash and Bishop's Tachbook. In my opinion doing so will destroy the separation and individuality of those areas, which is so important.
I am also concerned that the existing road network is already struggling and will be unable to cope with the inevitable addition of so many cars, and will create hazards to cyclists and pedestrians thus forcing even more cars onto the congested roads and causing even more pollution.
I also believe the long traffic queues and spoilt views caused by the proposed new houses will affect the attractiveness of Warwick from a tourism perspective.