
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 60247

Received: 25/08/2013

Respondent: Mr Nigel Hamilton

Representation Summary:

Transport: Sprawling development is inevitably car-dependent. Strategy is car-based, squeezing more congested traffic on to the existing road network, bridges over the River Avon, and parking. Would make walking and cycling less attractive, and could not have good public transport. To be sustainable needs to be a lot more vision for integrated public transport. The historic environment would directly be damaged by the increase in traffic and by wide new junctions cluttered with traffic lights and signs at beautiful places. Cycle ways: It would be a good objective to work with the County Council to ensure that every community is served by a dedicated cycle way, especially within the urban areas, where short lengths of cycle way often just stop. This should be funded by developers of the new housing as a priority via the CIL.

No provision for improvements to national route 41, which serves Aylesford School and the Woodloes Estate? Missing section on Hampton St should be protected from development in the local plan, as this is already transport policy on the safer routes to school policy.

Commuter Rail and Bus Routes: RDS has new low cost housing, concentrated mainly around Warwick, and the new job provision is in the north of the District. How are those in low paid jobs be able to commute to where the jobs are if they cannot afford their own cars?

Not convinced that the infrastructure proposals for the southern sites will work. The funding streams appear to be inadequate. Admission that no modelling has been done on the impact of health from higher traffic emissions in the WCC Traffic plan suggests it is not fit for purpose and calls into doubt the legality and practicality of the entire "Sites South of Warwick and Whitnash" development.

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