
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 60243

Received: 25/07/2013

Respondent: J.G. Sayell

Representation Summary:

The District has an asset in Leamington Football Club (the 'Brakes'). The Club has risen through the levels of the sport and is only held back due to its present location. Provision for an independent stadium in South Town that would in due course cater for the Club becoming professional should be considered.

Full text:

I refer to the 'New Local Plan'. I attended the meeting at Trinity School and now wish to comment as follows:

1. I consider the numbers of houses proposed over the life of the Plan to be excessive and unjustified.

2. The District is already too crowded, the additional population will 'swamp' the existing and is unfair to those who have already made their homes here. The additional traffic will lead to 'gridlock' in existing streets, especially Warwick High Street/Jury Street, and will create even more pollution.

1. I was bitterly opposed to any further development in the Milverton/North Leamington areas as this would -
a) require the loss of good farm land at a time when the nation needs to increase not decrease agriculture.
b) it would further encroach on our 'green belt' separating us from Kenilworth.

2. I am pleased therefore that the Revised Plan recognises that there are no special circumstances for the use of this green belt and does not include proposals for further development in the Milverton/North Leamington areas.

3. The use of land in the south of Leamington/Warwick to meet the proposed development makes sense because -
a) ease of access to the M40 J14 and J13
b) all large and recently built supermarkets etc are to the south of the town.
c) local employment opportunities.
d) the Revised Plan allows for road improvements.

4. The District has an asset in Leamington Football Club (the 'Brakes'). The Club has risen through the levels of the sport and is only held back due to its present location. Provision for an independant stadium in South Town that would in due course cater for the Club becoming professional should be considered. (I am not an offial of the Club).

5. Having to use the Emscote Road 'cycle path' on a regular basis I have no confidence in the Council's ability to provide safe and acceptable cycling facilities which will be needed.

6. I have no comments to make on the proposed gypsy sites other than I feel the pitch size proposed is larger than needed.

7. If this development within the the District is essential I consider the Revised Plan to be the best option and it has my support.

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to comment. Having attended the Trinity meeting I do have sympathy with the Planning Officers with the task they have in this matter, clearly they will not 'please all the people all of the time'.