
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 60212

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Margaret Hamilton

Representation Summary:


Sprawling development is inevitably car-dependent.

No one in household has access to a car; as is the case with many people in age group, yet use of public transport will be compromised by this plan as it will lead to longer journey times and less timetable reliability

The transport strategy is car-based, just squeezing more congested traffic on to the existing road network, bridges over the River Avon, and parking.

Contrary to transport policies, it would make walking and cycling less attractive, and could not have good public transport.

* needs to be a lot more vision for integrated public transport.
* The historic environment would directly be damaged by proposed traffic mitigation and associated signage;

EVERY community should be served by a dedicated cycle way, especially within the urban areas, where short lengths of cycle way often just stop funded by developers of the new housing as a priority via the CIL.

* Why is there no provision for improvements to national cycle route 41, which serves Aylesford School and the Woodloes Estate? Its missing section on Hampton St should be protected from development in the local plan.

Commuter Rail and Bus Routes:

The plan envisions much new low cost housing, yet this is concentrated mainly around Warwick, and the new job provision is in the north of the district.

HOW will those in low paid jobs who will presumably be the beneficiaries of the "low cost" housing, be able to commute to where the jobs are if they cannot afford their own cars?

For the plan to be sustainable surely it would be better to have more smaller housing developments within walking/ cycle distance of the new job provision; i.e. small estates near small business parks?

* IF this is not possible a commitment to provide and subsidise long distance inter nodal commuter bus routes is essential.

* Low paid workers will need to be able to commute quickly and cheaply to where the jobs actually are!?

* This can be achieved, by developing inter town express bus routes to link together; Warwick, Leamington, Stratford, Coventry, The University, Nuneaton, Rugby, Kenilworth and the larger villages; integrated with mini bus services which will THEN serve the local housing areas. Funded by the CIL.

* IF NOT the farcical situation as now when it take between 90 and 120 minutes each way to get between towns;

* This lack of effective public commuter transport compounds inequality and creates greater dependency on state subsidies since low paid people can't afford to travel to work;

* New local new commuter train services linking together ALL the major Warwickshire Towns and Coventry should be a priority, funded by CIL:

* The "virtual" park and ride scheme, seems like a lot of hot air political spin. Does it effectively mean NO park and ride , but a slightly extended bus route?

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