
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 60049

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Cllr Elizabeth Higgins

Representation Summary:

The scale of development in Warwick is unacceptable due to:
- impact on local heritage
- inability of transport network to accommodate increase in traffic
- impact on air quality, which is already at dangerous levels
- the impact of vibration on the built environment, caused by increased levels of traffic

The land allocated is currently an Area of Restraint.

Currently, there are wonderful views from high view points in Warwick which take in pasture land, cereal crops and hedges, crisscrossed by roads and pylons.
To ruin the setting of the castle, as seen from the Banbury Road as one approaches Warwick, would be totally unacceptable.
Section 106 monies from the sites would be inadequate to fund the necessary infrastructure.
The supply of water and electricity, and hospital services, are at capacity and new sewage treatment works would be required.
Warwick District Council should negotiate with Stratford DC re: the proposals for Gaydon & Lighthorne.

Full text:

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