
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 60023

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mr Graham Pyatt

Representation Summary:

The proposals focus on the north-south movement of traffic - with a focus on Banbury Rd bridge and with minimum concessions for pedestrians and cyclists. the impact of the proposals on the bridge will make this less enjoyable for tourist and others to enjoy the views of the castle. This will undermine Warwick as a torusim destination. St Nicholas Church Street will not be a desirable place to live. The bridge will still be congested and its structural integrity will be threatened by the volume of traffic. As an alternative to these proposals a system of tariffs and tolls to mnimise town centre traffoc could be introduced. The funds from this could be used to ameliorate the effects of pollution. A southern "ring road" could also be introduced.

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