
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 59849

Received: 26/07/2013

Respondent: Dr. Veronica Hyland

Representation Summary:

The projected housing need for 12,300 new build homes is much too high.

Full text:

Having attended the meeting at Guy Nelson Hall on the 22nd July, I am writing to express my great concern with the W.D. Local Plan.

Warwick is a special medieval town with places of interest for locals and tourists alike. There are hostelries and cafes and people are encouraged to sit out in the open air and enjoy the atmosphere of the town.

Already the air quality in the main streets in the town centre is reduced by pollution from car and other motor transport exhaust emissions, as is also the case in Leamington Spa. Measured pollution on occasions already exceeds that permitted by law.

This plan together with the resulting Transport Strategy would only worsen the situation considerably. The strategy is patently car based and would squeeze more traffic onto an already overstretched road network.

As a medical practitioner, who has over the years, dealt with the effects of poor air quality on health, in particular asthma, bronchitis, C.O.P.D. and of course cancer, I am greatly concerned.

There are school with playgrounds and playing fields, parks and sport and recreation areas all within the area which will be affected by this strategy. Parents are advised to encourage their children to walk or cycle more. With the likely levels of pollution this would be entirely counterproductive for health benefits.

So overall, the projected housing need for 12,300 new build homes is much too high.
The land between Warwick, Whitnash and Bishops Tachbrook is rural and agricultural. Building on this scale would result in an urban sprawl. Gone would be the greenland which is just as important as the green belt to the north of Leamington and Warwick.

This green land must be preserved.