
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 59847

Received: 26/07/2013

Respondent: Frans Vlemmiks

Representation Summary:

Objects to the RDS as follows:
Location of Housing:
The majority of [a reduced] level of [housing] development could be met by utilising land currently earmarked for development and developing brown field sites, without the major development of 4,000+ houses to the south of Warwick.

Impacts on Traffic:
With the likely increase in employment opportunities arising from 22.5 hectares of land [proposed]for employment being of the order of 2,000, there appears to be an [employment shortfall compared] with the potential inward migration of 10,000+ people who will be seeking employment.

These people will seek employment in the surrounding area of the West Midlands with the result that there will be a significant increase in the traffic flow through Warwick Town Centre:

The area through which these vastly increased vehicle numbers will travel is one of environmental sensitivity and a major conservation area, including a bridge over the River Avon which was opened in 1793 and is a major tourist viewing point for Warwick Castle.

Air Quality:
There will be a major increase in the volume of traffic travelling into and through Warwick Town Centre, in the process passing a number of schools, nurseries and play areas with the subsequent increase in pollution due to the restrictions of the 18th Century Bridge already mentioned.

The Air Pollution in the town centre is currently above the legal limits, by the authority's own figures, and this increase can only exacerbate the situation.

A major omission from the plan would appear to be the[inadequate] provision of schools, health services and public utilities other than reference to Myton and Campion being expanded and primary schools being provided.

Although promised on recent developments as part of the justification, residents have waited significant periods of time for delivery.

Duty to Cooperate:
Stratford district are proposing significant development to the south of Warwick at Gaydon. This will affect any employment opportunities in the south of Warwick district and add to the flow of traffic into and through Warwick Town adding to the problems created by the Revised Development Strategy.

Full text:

I am writing to object to the Local Plan, Revised Development Strategy. This objection is based on a number of points.

First the plan advocates 12,000 new houses over the period of the plan, when the number required to meet the additional needs based on 2001 and 2011 census plus the increase in Warwick over recent years would indicate a figure of the order of 5,500. This majority of this level of development could be met by utilising land currently earmarked for development and developing brown field sites, without the major development of 4,000+ houses to the south of Warwick.

The requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework include the need for economic, environment and social sustainability. With the likely increase in employment opportunities arising from 22.5 hectares of land for employment being of the order of 2,000, there appears to be an imbalance with the potential inward migration of 10,000+ people who will be seeking employment. The only solution to this imbalance is that these people will seek employment in the surrounding area of the West Midlands with the result that there will be a significant increase in the traffic flow through Warwick Town Centre. With regard to the social and environmental sustainability the area through which these vastly increased vehicle numbers will travel is one of environmental sensitivity and a major conservation area, including a bridge over the River Avon which was opened in 1793 and is a major tourist viewing point for Warwick Castle.

There will be a major increase in the volume of traffic travelling into and through Warwick Town Centre, in the process passing a number of schools, nurseries and play areas with the subsequent increase in pollution due to the restrictions of the 18th Century Bridge already mentioned. The Air Pollution in the town centre is currently above the legal limits, by the authority's own figures, and this increase can only exacerbate the situation. In addition this increase in traffic can only result in slower progress through the town with more hold ups and jams with the knock on effect being people being unwilling to stop in the town or wish to shop in such a heavily congested area thus invalidating any economic sustainability claims.

3A major omission from the plan would appear to be the actions taken in respect of the increase in population on the provision of schools, health services and public utilities other than reference to Myton and Campion being expanded and primary schools being provided. Recent developments in Warwick District have promised such facilities as part of the justification, however people living on these new developments have waited significant periods of time for delivery.

A final point is the fact that Stratford district are proposing significant development to the south of Warwick at Gaydon. This will affect any employment opportunities in the south of Warwick district and add to the flow of traffic into and through Warwick Town adding to the problems created by the Revised Development Strategy.