
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 59575

Received: 10/10/2013

Respondent: Tania Winterburn

Representation Summary:

Loss of business and jobs at WEC and locally.
Local services could not sustain a site.
GP sugery under pressure.
Schools under pressure from new developments.
Bus service overstretched and bus stops not ideallly located with no footpaths and situated on grass verge. Busy roadway to walk along and dangerous.
G&T residents could outnumber existing, denying possibility of integration.
Part of site floods.
Drainage and sewage facilities very limited.
No lighting other than on Fosse Way.
No easy access to roads to safely accommodate more vehicles.
Rural area with high level of natural habitat and wildlife in woodland habitat.
Historic Roman road and medieval toll.

Full text:

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