
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 59465

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Ms Lucy Emsden

Representation Summary:

Objects to development south of Warwick, the number proposed is nearly half of the total and yet the major employment site proposed is to the north east of the district. It would make sense to take a more balanced approach including sites north of Leamington. Has particular concerns about the impact on traffic on the Myton and Banbury Road and centre of Warwick. It is not clear whether air quality, the needs of pedestrians, impact on the town centre and adequacy of mitigation measures have been considered is reaching the conclusion that the scale of development proposed in this area can be accommodated. AQMAs already cover parts of central Warwick what action is being taken to model the effects of development. What consideration has been given to pedestrians using these roads and the Avon Bridge for the schools and St Nicholas Park, additional traffic will only increase danger to pedestrians. Proposals will not assist shops and businesses in Warwick Town Centre as the priority seems to be to move traffic through the town to employment on the other side. Visitors may be detered by the additional traffic. There is no evidence that the proposed mitigation measures would be adequate to cope with a significant increase in traffic. There are no measures to mitigate the backlog at the traffic lights at Jury Street / Smith Street.

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