
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 59336

Received: 19/07/2013

Respondent: mr Robert Ellis

Representation Summary:

I dispute that no building can take part on the green belt to the north as the council have already allowed green belt land to to be included in the Gateway project.

Full text:

I dispute the need for 12,000 houses in Warwick District as independent sources indicate less than 6,000 required and ask what is in it for the council to build so many houses.

Such a massive development would turn the historic town of Warwick into an urban sprawl.

The already overstretched infrastructure cannot cope with what would be a massive increase in traffic, being out of town most people would have a car, working couples possibly two. The road bottlenecks at Castle Hill and the viaduct cannot cope with thousands of extra vehicles.

I dispute that no building can take part on the green belt to the north as the council have already allowed green belt land to to be included in the Gateway project.

I object to large areas of farmland being built on as this will have a serious impact on wildlife with the removal of hedges.

There also a serious risk of flooding in the Aragon Drive / Saumur Way area if the adjacent farmland is cleared.

Allowing traffic to access any new building behind Saumur Way will increase the risk to the many school children who use the cycle path that runs past the proposed development.

The council is being less than open about the developments as the plan calls for 12,000 homes but only 6,000 identified so far. With no building in the North of the district the other 6,000 can only be built in the South but WDC have been evasive when asked the question about this.