
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 59332

Received: 20/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Margaret Ellis

Representation Summary:

There has not been sufficient evidence put forward on the requirement for 12,000 new homes and there is contradictory evidence for this requirement.

Full text:

I object to the the proposed local plan on the grounds that;
There has not been sufficient evidence put forward on the requirement for 12,000 new homes and there is contradictory evidence for this requirement.

The plan to only build in the south of the district is unfair to the local residents and will has a serious impact on there quality of life.

I do not believe the reasons given for not building on greenbelt land in the north given that the same council has given permission for greenbelt land to be used in the Gateway project.

The local infrastructure cannot support such a massive development with the schools would be overloaded the local hospital and GP,s could not cope with up to 20,000 extra residents.

The road infrastructure could not cope with the extra volume of traffic, being an out of town development most of the new homes would have a car with professional people probably having two which would be an extra 16,000 plus cars on the roads. Many of those new residents would have to travel though the Viaduct or Castle Hill to get to work, two areas that are already congested.

There will be a serious risk of flooding if the farmland behind Saumur Way is built on.

School children using the footpath that runs past the end of Saumur Way will be put at risk by the extra traffic crossing it.