
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 59153

Received: 13/07/2013

Respondent: Mr John Grant

Representation Summary:

The number of new houses proposed exceeds our needs

Full text:

As a local resident, I am absolutely appalled at the proposed housing developments being suggested for the South of Warwick. The impact of this on traffic, schools, medical facilities, pollution, water provision and control, the character of Warwick as a town is all detrimental.

It is the kind of planning that gives planning a bad name. The number of new houses proposed exceeds our needs. The original exhibition at Myton School in March 2013 about the scale and impact of the development.was economical with the truth. As a result I find myself being suspicious of developers and distrustful of planners and their motivations.

Given the current comments by the Council for the Protection of Rural England and others that the precious, inspirational and irreplaceable English countryside is in danger of being eroded by poorly (some might say lazy) planned developments; it seems my views are justified.

I urge you to rethink, to scale down substantially this development, to take more notice of local feeling, to find alternative locations (preferably brown-field sites to infill), to recognize the constraints on development imposed by schools, traffic congestion, etc. That would be what I would call planning.