
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 59029

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Cynthia Cleaver

Representation Summary:

Nearest GP surgery and schools 5 miles away and are at or close to capacity.
On two major high speed roads so unsafe.
On important historic/archaeological site. Loss of good quality arable land.
Could not be integrated into rural area without harming area.
Local residents would be outnumbered.
No mains services on site and extensive facilities required to ensure air/groundwater quality.
Working on site would result in more unsightly operation.
Closure of WEC and loss of jobs, and effect on businesses and local economy.
Highly visible in countryside from both approaches on routes popular with tourists.
Local facilities unable to cope.
Adverse effects on highway safety at junction.
Close to protected ancient woodland and protected species and established habitats. Impact on historic highway.

Full text:

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