
Gypsy and Traveller Site Options

Representation ID: 58992

Received: 29/07/2013

Respondent: Mrs Patricia J Blackwell

Representation Summary:

Will result in closure of WEC. Jobs at risk. Impact on local economy.
Nearest doctors has no capacity. Next is five miles away with no direct bus route.
High risk travel route. Bus stop is on grass verge with no footpaths. Cycling dangerous.
Site on Archaeological Register.
Visual impact on valley.
Damage to wildlife habitat and protected ancient woodland.
Incompatible livestyle with rural community. unlikely to integrate.
Reputation for pestering for work.
Supervision needed to ensure planning regualtions adhered to.
Previous experience of sites not good.
No figure given as to cost to general public. What are the costs and how much will be contributed by G&T?

Full text:

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