
Revised Development Strategy

Representation ID: 58905

Received: 24/07/2013

Respondent: Peter & Susan Byrd

Representation Summary:

New housing allocations are excessive. Plan should cater for "indigenous" growth, with small growth for economic purposes.
Does not take into account proposed growth outside of the district in the Lighthorne/Gaydon/Kineton area.

Full text:

Dear District Council
We wish to object to the proposed local plan on the following grounds:
* There is excessive new housing. The housing allocations in the plan should cater for "indigenous" growth, perhaps with a small growth for economic growth purposes. But not this huge amount of new housing.
* The land proposed for employment is also excessive, especially given the amount of vacant employment sites, some of which have been vacant for many years.
* The plan does not take into account the proposed growth outside of the district in the Lighthorne/Gaydon/Kineton area.
* The plan concentrates housing to the south of Warwick and Leamington. No consideration has been given to minor modifications to the green belt to provide a more equitable distribution of growth to the north and south of these two town centres.
* The impact on transport north-south through Warwick and Leamington will be severe, especially given the limited number of river crossings.
* Warwick and Leamington town centres will suffer from congestion and poor quality air. This will make them less attractive to visitors and shoppers.
* The proposed gypsy/traveller sites are,again, concentrated to the south of Warwick and Leamington rather than being distributed more evenly through the district.